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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are all the acronyms?
    AIS - All in Stitches 
    AISQG - All in Stitches Quilt Guild
    BOD - Board of Directors
    BOM - Block of the Month

    EQS - Everett Quilt Show
    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
    FB - Friendship Box
    FMQ - Free Motion Quilting
    FQ - Fat Quarter
    HH - HomeFront Heroes

    UFOs - Un-finished Objects
    CS - Community Service -
    QU - Quilt University

  • Who are you people?
    We are regular people, quilters, who love the art of quilting and want to connect and share with other like-minded people.

  • Why a quilt guild?
    Our guild strives to be a fun, welcoming place to share the art of quilting. We don't require you to be a certain level, or a professional. We want to connect you, to make friends, learn and grow as quilters. 

  • What is different about your meetings?
    We choose to handle business in the board meetings and other committee meetings. At the guild meeting, we tell what is going on, vote if we must, but keep it fast. We then have a fun program of some kind: teaching, sharing, speakers, demonstrations, games, hands-on projects.

  • Why do quilts and other items hang around the meeting room?
    We call this our Gallery. It is our version of Show and Tell. During the break time, owners can hangout near their item and talk about it. They can also attach a 3x5 card with info. It's such fun to talk about our work with our friends!

  • What do I need to bring to the meeting?
    Check out the Meetings page for specific programs. We usually ask you to Sign-up and you can often find items to bring in the info. Sign-up helps us be prepared for each meeting.

  • Why don't you have daytime or Saturday meetings?
    With our Mission Statement in mind, AIS has one Saturday a year that we have Quilt University, a time for open sewing, workshops, demonstrations, Community Service projects, lunch together and more. We also have daytime SewDaze (read below). We learn to Connect, Grow and Serve through these times together.

  • What is SewDaze? SewDaze is an every other Wednesday sewing day. Everyone brings their own project and supplies and we chat, sew and eat lunch together. Sometimes there are special workshops or charity projects to work on. Current information and location can be found on the Meetings/Events page.

  • How do I connect?
    On the membership application, you can indicate where you would like to be involved. Joining a committee or other short term service is a great way to meet people. Also, we intentionally change our setup at meetings to encourage different seating options. Don't be afraid to ask questions at meetings, we are happy to help you understand those terms that we think everyone auomatically knows ;-)

  • I am intimidated by the skill level I see in the Show and Tell items.
    No matter what level your skills are, you are valuable. We welcome all quilters/sewing enthusiasts and are willing to share knowledge with everyone.

  • Why isn't the Block of the Month (or Friendship Box) available this year? We love both options, but we alternate the two programs to keep things fresh and focused. Running them at the same time could cause unnecessary confusion.

  • Why do you charge for everything?
    We run a tight budget. Most things are charged for by the cost of the item, ticket or whatever. Example: Our dues pay for the meeting room evenings, but Quilt University days cost quite a bit more, so there is a per person charge to attend. 

  • What do the "One Piece at a Time" byline and the PIECE acronym mean?
    Piecing is a major part of quilting in general. Sewing pieces together makes a quilt. Piecing members, teams, etc. together makes the guild function. We feel that if we take it one piece (step) at a time, we will get where we are going with all the pieces in place. The acronym is used to help us stay on tract with our core values. For example: "P=Participate Respectfully" indicates that we will be participating in a program that helps each other. This could be a team event, teaching skills, etc.



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